Xavier’s bunk bed finally got delivered today! He is so excited. His new bed has his own desk, eight drawers, and a book shelf. He says that he will be ready to do his paperwork in no time. He was really excited that he was able to pick out the blankets and sheets for the…
Sunday a cute little face came knocking at our door, well not really he came roaming. We are not quite sure where he came from but he is very friendly. He doesn’t seem to want to leave. Aaron tried to take him on a walk, without a leash, to see if he belonged to anyone…
Today we had a break from the heat, it was awesome. Our house is located near some small mountains, so we get some pretty good winds going every couple of days. Today was a perfect day to fly. Xavier said “You thinkin’ what I am thinkin’?” To that we reply “No, what?” “Let’s go fly…
X’s loves to help in the kitchen, it doesn’t matter what I am making. For being only four he know his way around. He was pretty excited the other night ’cause I let him be in charge of flipping the french toast and putting on the pan to go into the oven. He did a…
Last night Xavier had Rachel help put his Superman cape on Maybe. Xavier and Maybe proceed to run around the house as super heroes. Maybe did quiet well as a side kick, she came when ever she was needed. Xavier would yell “Super Mimi’s on the way!” Maybe was close behind. (Just so you all…
I thought I would share Xavier’s morning air guitar session before preschool. Don’t forget to notice the rock star hair.
I knew it was coming even if I didn’t want it, but X grew again. It seemed over night that his 4t clothes no longer fit. He now can fit the 5t and XS’s in the youth section. My little boy is very much not a baby anymore. He can do so many things on…
I have been in desperate need of fitting clothes for some time now. I decided to go clothes shopping with my fashion adviser (X), Rachel, and my mom. We had done this over a couple of days, making sure my adviser wasn’t missing any crucial naps. Our first shopping trip was for shoes. X decided…
Xavier went back to preschool last month. Both of us were so excited but for different reasons. I think it is nice to have a little quite time once in a while, even though I miss him by the end of the three hours. He was looking forward to having fun with his teachers, who…
Side note: Robbie is X’s imaginary friend. X: “I am really trying not to do what Robbie is telling me to do.” Aaron: “What is that?” X: “Get more toys.” Aaron: “I agree, you don’t need anymore toys.” X: “But I don’t like to ignore my friends.” This was the conversation we had on the…