Tag: Christen

  • For the last 3 weeks we have been helping some friends of ours with moving their restaurant.  When they first planned the move it would only be closed for 3 days, it ended up being closed for 20.  They were having real trouble with their staff being reliable and trustworthy. We helped move out of the…

  • I just recently turned 30.  For most people that is the end of their youth or their party years.  If you ask Xavier, I am now an adult.  If I am now an adult how come I have been paying a mortgage for seven years, have medical bills up to my eye balls, and have…

  • On Saturday morning we took some whole bean coffee from Thousand Hills to the Buckeye Fire Department.  I wanted to thank them for taking me to the hospital in October.  I wasn’t grateful for being in the hospital, but I was very thankful that they were there to take me there and at least start…

  • I received an Epson Artisan 800 photo printer from my in-laws for Christmas last year.  The problem was that it wouldn’t print properly.  I called Epson, and they exchanged the printer.  I was yet again excited, but alas it would not print either.  Yet another call to Epson and another printer.  Yay!?!  It came with…

  • Yesterday was a hard but great day.  I knew that because Uncle James was in town that Xavier would want to go hiking.  I wanted so badly to join my family on this adventure.  So knowing that my right leg had been feeling very tight and tender, I did something that I thought I would…

  • Yesterday Xavier had a school field trip to the Phoenix Zoo.  I was looking forward to being out with my family but not to the pain that would come later.  So I took some precautions in the morning and at lunch and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  I did however…

  • I haven’t written in a while.  Some can say I have been lazy but in reality not much has changed.  Last week I felt like I was finally getting a couple of “human” days.  Then as I always fall prey to it, wanted to get things done.  I started to get the house back to…

  • I have had better days lately, but the last three days were a little rough.  We are moving through them.  I am so thankful that I have a family that can be here for me to help me when I am down and have fun with me when I am wanting to get out of…

  • I haven’t posted lately and that has a lot to do with how I have been feeling.  I have had a lot of bad days.  Aaron went to Boston for a week and luckily his mom was able to come out and spend the week with us.  I don’t think I would have made it…

  • It started last night, I was watching a movie with Rachel and Aaron.  I was laying on the couch and I could feel my body start to tighten up.  I felt like I was frozen from the inside out.  I went to bed I feeling like a giant bruise and it hurt to move.  I…