I just finished the second book, “High Fructose Corn Syrup and the Fibromyalgia Connection: Fibromyalgia Recovery Handbook”, and it was a waste of time! Janice Lorigan, the author, has no connection with Fibro, no medical training, nothing. I think she was just using the book to get people to stop using corn syrup and eating…
I finished the first book that I ordered, 100 Questions & Answers About Fibromyalgia. There is so much information in those 100 questions it was unbelievable. I learned that I have a muscle and tissue disorder which cause my muscles to ball up or knot and lock in place. I am also hyper-sensitive, meaning that…
(I know it has been a while since the last post and you are all expecting some pictures from Disneyland, I am sorry.) I recently read a book by Jenny McGarthy, Louder Than Words, and I was inspired by her story of how she became her son’s advocate in understanding and pulling him out of…
Aaron had a conference in San Francisco this weekend, so as his trusty side kick I got to go. WordCamp was all day Saturday and they had a Developer Day on Sunday. We flew on Friday morning which was fun. It was supposed to be a non-stop flight to SF, then it got changed to…
March 21, 2009 We gave Xavier the choice of staying in OK an extra day and having no detours on the way home or we could leave on Friday…he choose to stay. But that doesn’t mean that we nothing happened on our home. We did try to stop at two Rte 66 museums and a…
We have been enjoying our time in OK. We have been doing all the normal things like shooting turtles in the pond, riding quads, reading over 400 pages, “hiking”, and other crazy things. Xavier has been outside about 95% of the time. If he is awake we can’t keep him in. He is usually dirt…
March 12, 2009 Aaron, X, and I start off on our road trip to end up in Oklahoma. We decided that we would take time getting there and have fun as a family. Our first destination would be White Sands, NM. I had thought that I had done my research and White Sands would be…
If you know me at all you will know that I like my space to organized and clutter free. We have steadily out grown our house that we have been in for about 4 1/2 years, so we thought that a little extra space would be helpful while we are waiting for the right house…
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad that we are having a rainy Thanksgiving. It helps put me in the baking and decorating mode. I am just so happy that the new meds that the doctor gave me are starting to help. I was so worried that I wasn’t going to be able to a part…
We now have two dogs and they have the mob mentality which makes it very hard to figure out who’s done what. Last night one of my favorite brown kitten heal sandals became victim to the harsh environment of the teeth and drool. I caught both Cat and Maybe with the shoe, so like I…