Christmas Party!

Today was Xavier’s preschool Christmas party. Aaron and I both had the chance to go with him which was so much fun. There where so many kids there it was chaotic. Nikki put me in charge of the Gingerbread House station. I think I will be dreaming of frosting for the next couple of weeks.

The kids got to build houses, make ornaments, color a gingerbread man, listen to the Polar Express, have a Christmas inspired memory game, and to top it off they had a book exchange. I think all of the kids went home on a sugar and adrenaline high.

4 responses to “Christmas Party!”

  1. Heidi Avatar

    OH MAN!!! I can’t believe I missed it! I’m glad you had fun, and I can’t wait to hear all about it!

    I also can’t believe we missed X’s birthday day! AHHH, I’m missing everything!:) But soon, I’ll be home with MY boy, totally and completely mine! I think that is worth missing some things!

  2. Julie Campbell Avatar

    Sounds like you all had lots of fun! Wish I could have been there! Thanks for the awesome time I got to spend with you guys. Can’t believe Xavier is now 5!!!

  3. Nicole Palmer Avatar
    Nicole Palmer

    The party was a huge success because of all your help! I don’t know what I would have done without you!

    Next year, you will have to be our official Greatleaps mom!

  4. Stacey Avatar

    Sounds like he had a great time! I didn’t know you had a blog… I’ll be checking back from time to time :o)

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