I haven’t posted lately and that has a lot to do with how I have been feeling. I have had a lot of bad days. Aaron went to Boston for a week and luckily his mom was able to come out and spend the week with us. I don’t think I would have made it without her. She helped me out with a lot and I couldn’t thank her enough. Then, poor Aaron had to have his wisdom teeth pulled so both of us have been kinda on the lower end of great. But he has been the best, as always.
Before, Aaron went to Boston he bought me a scrapbooking desk to put in our bedroom. I have been able to get back my destresser, which is great. What a great gift!
I am hoping to be able to scrapbook more soon, as soon as my arms and hands stop being such a pill. I think in my stretching I have over done it and I am paying for it. I am trying to take it a little easier. As Aaron says, he wants me to make a budget of my energy and only pay out to the most important “bills”. We will see how the next couple of weeks go.
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