Yesterday Xavier had a school field trip to the Phoenix Zoo. I was looking forward to being out with my family but not to the pain that would come later. So I took some precautions in the morning and at lunch and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I did however…
I haven’t written in a while. Some can say I have been lazy but in reality not much has changed. Last week I felt like I was finally getting a couple of “human” days. Then as I always fall prey to it, wanted to get things done. I started to get the house back to…
I have had better days lately, but the last three days were a little rough. We are moving through them. I am so thankful that I have a family that can be here for me to help me when I am down and have fun with me when I am wanting to get out of…
I haven’t posted lately and that has a lot to do with how I have been feeling. I have had a lot of bad days. Aaron went to Boston for a week and luckily his mom was able to come out and spend the week with us. I don’t think I would have made it…
It started last night, I was watching a movie with Rachel and Aaron. I was laying on the couch and I could feel my body start to tighten up. I felt like I was frozen from the inside out. I went to bed I feeling like a giant bruise and it hurt to move. I…
I just finished the second book, “High Fructose Corn Syrup and the Fibromyalgia Connection: Fibromyalgia Recovery Handbook”, and it was a waste of time! Janice Lorigan, the author, has no connection with Fibro, no medical training, nothing. I think she was just using the book to get people to stop using corn syrup and eating…
I finished the first book that I ordered, 100 Questions & Answers About Fibromyalgia. There is so much information in those 100 questions it was unbelievable. I learned that I have a muscle and tissue disorder which cause my muscles to ball up or knot and lock in place. I am also hyper-sensitive, meaning that…
(I know it has been a while since the last post and you are all expecting some pictures from Disneyland, I am sorry.) I recently read a book by Jenny McGarthy, Louder Than Words, and I was inspired by her story of how she became her son’s advocate in understanding and pulling him out of…
Today was Xavier’s first day of Kindergarten. He was very excited to be going, I was a little sad to see my little boy to be growing up. I didn’t cry, but I did get teary eyed. X said that he enjoyed his first day, he got to be the weather man and he had…
Aaron had a conference in San Francisco this weekend, so as his trusty side kick I got to go. WordCamp was all day Saturday and they had a Developer Day on Sunday. We flew on Friday morning which was fun. It was supposed to be a non-stop flight to SF, then it got changed to…