Shoe Love

We now have two dogs and they have the mob mentality which makes it very hard to figure out who’s done what. Last night one of my favorite brown kitten heal sandals became victim to the harsh environment of the teeth and drool. I caught both Cat and Maybe with the shoe, so like I said it is very hard to figure out who started the brutal attack.

I LOVED those shoes….also love my dogs. I guess it just gives me another reason to go shoe shopping.

3 responses to “Shoe Love”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Shoe shopping is always a great thing!!! You changed the dogs name to Cat – now my phone conversation with X this morning makes more sense. I kept calling the dog Buddy and he was saying Cat and I couldn’t figure it out! I know all about the dog eating shoes thing though. Ninja got hold of some of mine too!

    Love you!

  2. Peggy Avatar

    Cat’s being FRAMED, we all know who really is the trouble maker!!! 6+ kitchen towels and 3 brand new bath towels have been victims to brutal attacks also at my house, do to one fence jumping attacker. She may look cute and innocent but she is a true assassin.

    Love ya lots –

  3. James Avatar

    Did you know a boogle is what they call a pack of weasels? You probably did, but just in case, this seems like something you should know.

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